Track your stocks and cryptocurrencies
in a single portfolio
You are in good company
Wallmine is the favorite tool of many professional and retail investors.

Screen for cryptocurrencies and stocks based on hundreds of criteria
Insiders trading
Browse recent SEC Form 4 filings
with ease
Heat maps
Explore the performance of different market sectors and industries
Receive price move notifications and reduce the time spent checking
Review the latest headlines relevant to your holdings
Advanced charts
Watch and interact with the advanced technical indicators

Modern screeners
Powerful screeners don't need to be complicated.
Use the wide range of fundamental and technical criteria to find profitable stocks and cryptocurrencies using our stock screener and our cryptocurrency screener Alternatively, compare specific holdings to each other. The extended data, heat maps, news, and insiders trading information are all available for every screen.
wallmine makes trading better
"I love the look of your platform. It’s exactly what I’ve been looking for to get quality information on different stocks and track my portfolios. Thank you thank you."
Jay Bann
City Media Group