Portfolio performance & cash tracking

We've made a couple of changes to the portfolios to make cash management and tracking simpler. If you are tracking cash in your portfolio, the cost of each trade is now subtracted from the total cash balance. If you aren't interested in cash flows in and out of your portfolio, tracking your investments is now even easier.
How do you track portfolio performance?
Your portfolio performance is always related to the current market value of your holdings and the price you've paid to acquire them. The difference between the two determines the overall return. Your percentage gain is then equal to the overall return divided by the portfolio cost.
Are dividends reinvested?
Dividends are tracked automatically. If you expand your portfolio's transactions, you'll see the individual dividend payouts for a stock or ETF. By default, dividends are paid out as cash and thus increase your cash balance. If you'd like to automatically reinvest them, go to portfolio settings to turn on automatic dividend reinvestments.
How does cash tracking work?
If you make any cash deposits or withdrawals, the portfolio automatically tracks your cash balance. All realized gains contribute to the cash balance, and any purchases subtract from it. In this particular case, the total portfolio cost is equal to the total cash deposited to the cash account overtime. As a result, any cash transactions affect both the market value and the total cost of the portfolio.
If you have any questions or comments, please let us know at hello@wallmine.com. We'd love to hear them!
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