New year, new look

One of the best things about wallmine is the amount of available information in a single place. We made a few visual changes to make your research easier.
Brand new company look
You can still find everything you need about a stock, cryptocurrency, and ETF on its page. We kept the feel of the data-packed screen but made individual information easier to digest.

Redesigned portfolio tracking
You should see minor changes in the design and a lot more clarity in your portfolio layout. If you're tracking multiple watchlists or portfolios, you can now view their returns right when you open the portfolio screen.

Updated market summary
A cleaner interface that gives you a quick overview of the current markets. And you can now choose your default region right at the top. Just head to wallmine to check out the redesign.

Improved screeners
Designed to help you quickly filter stocks and cryptocurrencies based on your criteria. We rethought the layout to make it easier for you to find the correct filters, save your screens, and create watchlists.
We're planning many more updates, so please let us know your comments, ideas, and feedback. We'd love to hear them!
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