Announcing wallmine iOS and Android apps (BETA)

Mobile apps have been by far the most requested feature since the inception of wallmine.
We have exciting news:
We're opening up the access to the beta versions of our iOS and Android apps.
Here are a few of the things you can look forward to:
Everything you want to know about a stock, ETF, or cryptocurrency in a single place
Get the most recent quotes, real-time news, fundamental metrics, and recently released financials all in one place. Make better investment decisions by comparing multiple companies, accessing SEC filings, and keeping up with analyst and insider trading activity.
Track your portfolios and watchlists
Track the returns and performance of your portfolios. Connect to your brokerage to automatically sync transactions or manage your holdings manually.
Get personalized notifications
Be the first one to know about any significant event involving the stocks that interest you. We'll notify you of the most important events happening with your portfolio, including price moves, increased news coverage, upcoming dividend dates, and new earnings.
Install the app
To install the app on your iPhone or iPad, download the app from the App Store.
To install the app on your Android devices, get it on Google Play.
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